Archive for January 11th, 2020

Don’t Drink … Play!

If you like to have a beverage every now and then, leave your cash out of the casino if you set out to do your consuming in a casino. I’m serious. Leave your purse, your money belt, and leave all cash, plastic credit and cheques out of the casino. Pack whatever cash you anticipate to spend on alcohol, tipping and whatever pocket change you intend to squander and keep the remainder behind.

Contemptuous? Not really. Realistic more like. You may well experience a success following a inebriated evening out with your buddies and be blessed sufficiently to hook a long toss at a hot craps game. Hang on to that adventure seeing that it is as short-lived as it gets if you regularly drink alcohol and gamble. The two just don’t go well together.

Keeping your cash back at the hotel is a little dramatic, but defensive actions for excessive behavior is necessary. If you gamble to win, then don’t consume alcohol and bet. If you like to be wasteful with your assets nary a worry, then drink all the gratuitous booze you are able to handle, but don’t carry credit cards and chequebooks to throw into the mix of chasing losses after your hooched up brain squanders all the cash!

Let me to take this one step more. Don’t consume alcohol and then go on to the internet to gamble in your best-liked casino either. I enjoy a beverage from the coziness of my condominium, but because I’m hooked up through Neteller, Firepay and have credit cards in close proximity, I can not consume alcohol and wager.

How come? Despite the fact that I don’t drink alcohol a lot, once I drink, it is clearly adequate to cloud my common sense. I gamble, so I do not drink when wagering. If you are a drinker, don’t wager when you do. The two mix up for a ferocious, and expensive, cocktail.